Grants FAQHow should I submit my Phase I Application? Phase I Applications are submitted online. See the Important Dates page in this section for deadlines, and the login page to get started. Whom can we contact to discuss our grant application? For technical questions regarding our online application, please contact Otherwise, we do not communicate with prospective applicants except to answer specific questions about our eligibility requirements or the application process. How are your grant amounts and grantees determined? RWF members vote from a ballot selected by the Grants Committee (see Application Process). The results, based on the results of the membership vote, are announced at the Annual Luncheon in November. Will you consider a proposal from a group of organizations collaborating on a project or program? Yes. One of the collaborating organizations must be the “lead organization,” applying on behalf of the collaboration. The lead organization must be willing to take on all the potential rights, responsibilities, restrictions and liabilities of the grant. Once an organization receives a grant from the Roanoke Women’s Foundation, can it reapply the following year? No. There is a five-year waiting period to become eligible to apply again. If our application is not funded, should we re-apply next year? |