March 1: Phase I Applications available online for all qualified charitable organizations; may be submitted any time during the month of March.
March 31: Phase I Application deadline (Must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. No exceptions!)
April: RWF Grants Committee reviews and evaluates Phase I Applications.
May 1: Agencies notified via email whether or not they have been selected to submit a Phase II Application.
May 31: Phase II Application deadline (Must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. No exceptions!)
Early June: At the Grants Fair, all Phase II Applicants gather to talk with RWF members about their requests.
June—August: Follow-up phone calls and/or site visits conducted by RWF Grants Committee.
September: RWF Grants Committee selects finalists and notifies all Phase II applicants whether or not they are included on the ballot. All RWF Membership votes on organizations to receive grants.
October: Organizations on the ballot are notified of the membership’s decisions.
November: Grants awarded at the RWF Annual Awards Luncheon. Recipients will be notified in advance of the date and invited to attend.
Apply for a Grant
RWF is proud to be a member of Philanos
RWF is Sponsored by
Roanoke Women’s Foundation
P.O. Box 8976
Roanoke, Virginia 24014